Hematite Pendant
Hematite, a ‘stabilizer stone’ grounds and charges the lower levels of the energy field helping mental concentration and productivity. Hematite neutralizes negativity; helping to balance body, mind and spirit, by holding them in proper alignment through the vertical tube.
Ancient Egyptians used Hematite to stop bleeding and to promote regeneration of red blood cells. Believed to guarantee entry into the afterlife, it was placed in every tomb. Native Americans believed it protected warriors from “spilling blood” during battle and helped women survive childbirth.
Physically, Hematite amplifies and revitalizes the immune system, clears viral infections, and supports healing of all blood-related health problems.
This stone should not be worn next to an area of inflammation, because it will amplify the problem due to its desire to suck negativity out of it. However, if worn on the body elsewhere, it will successfully heal the problem. To clear the energy absorbed by Hematite, do not place the stone in water. Instead, put it next to some other crystals for a day.
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